Seid Maglajlic offers the services as senior advisor for leading, steering, monitoring and quality assurance of complex software projects as well as the evaluation of the various solutions in the international industrial environment, especially in railways, logistics and gaming business sectors.
If your company intents to implement a new software system or to buy a customizable product for your business case, we will advise you how to implement the project in the efficient way, on-time, on-budget.
Gap analysis of between your requirements and the offered solution of your providers, as well as the recommendation how to make the best match between these two are our specialty.
"Sanity check" of the offers, project size, plan, timeline, capacity allocation - this is where we help you.
Don't let the corporate knowledge sink! Start thinking about it right now if you want to increase your corporate efficiency!
We can advise you how to centralize and distribute the knowledge of your business critical values within your organization with research projects. Furthermore, we investigate with you the modern concepts and systems to improve your business processes and use the skills of your employees in the best possible way.
Optimization, complex problem solving with the help of data science, mathematical methods and artificial intelligence are our specialties.
Leading the working groups and workshops belongs to the daily business. Dynamic and flexibility are the most important parameters one has to take into account when leading the groups in Industry 4.0.
The above picture is taken with the TSGA (TAP Service Governance Association) members on the roof of Deutsche Bahn building in Stephenson Alee in Frankfurt a. M. (DE) in February 2019.